The 员工关系计划 is the recognized national pulp & paper industry source for collective bargaining and best practice information because we:
- Provide current, easily accessible electronic databases.
- 定期更新劳动力发展情况.
- 为知识交流和网络提供论坛.
- 提供定制调查.
- 与USW和其他工会保持联系.
- 建议房颤&负责员工关系事务的助理助理
雇员关系计划是由美国.S. 纸浆和纸张制造商. The Program is made up of senior human resource/labor relations official(s) of participant companies. ERP每年召开两次会议.
The Labor Database has information on about 90% of all U.S. 有工会合同的纸浆和造纸厂. “Push button” reports provide users with instant benchmark information on wages and benefits that you can filter by company, 地区, 产品组.
- 当前劳工发展通讯, with information and statistics on current bargaining and settlements in the pulp and paper industry.
- 纸浆和纸张议价日历, with settlement summaries linked to the contract ratification date.
- 员工关系概述, a PowerPoint presentation of industry settlement trends and benchmark wage and benefit information.
- Mill labor agreements, posted in PDF format on the LaborData 网站.
- 员工关系计划– a 网work for senior HR executives.
- Annual Employee Relations Conference in Atlanta for mill HR managers.
- Response to requests for information on employee and labor relations issues.
- Monthly telephone conference call to share information on bargaining with the USW.
To learn more about the 员工关系计划, 联系人:
的房颤&PA 回收锅炉方案 was established in 1974 to develop programs and assist companies operating recovery boilers to improve the safety, 完整性, 以及回收锅炉运行的可靠性. The Program is under the direction of a Steering Committee to provide a forum for the members to develop:
- 信息
- 参考手册
- 审计准则
- 检查清单
- 对评估有用的培训辅助工具:
- 安全操作规程
- 规格及结构
- 维护项目
- 组织培训
- 研究和发展计划
Membership is open to all companies operating recovery boilers. Companies designate representatives to serve on the Program’s two subcommittees: Research & 开发及营运 & 维护. 的房颤&PA Recovery Boiler Annual Conference and Committee Meetings are held on the first Tuesday & 每年二月的星期三. A copy of the Program’s charter and listing of available publications is shown in the 资源 section below.
To learn more about the 回收锅炉方案 or request information about recovery boiler publications, 安全研讨会, 研究项目及成员, 联系人:
韦恩Grilliot 回收锅炉项目顾问 电子邮件: 电话:(937)602-1892 |
十大菠菜软件 -回收锅炉程序
C/O: Program Excellence, LLC
The Recovery Boiler Committee sponsors four 安全 Seminars each year, 通常在四月, 五月, 9月, & 10月. All 安全 Seminars are currently being held on-line in a virtual format. 电子竞技赌注的软件可能都要当面谈 & virtual 回收锅炉操作安全讲座 in 2023 and future years.
Two expert monitors conduct these seminars to further the operators’ and supervisors’ knowledge and understanding of the safe operation and maintenance of recovery boilers. The seminars focus on the proper training and handling of upset situations to minimize exposure to personnel; reduce injuries; as well as reduce downtime and damage.
Six BLRBAC case studies used as team tabletop exercises in each seminar and are based on actual recent Recovery Boiler Incidents. These team tabletop exercises help operators and supervisors make the important decision 何时对回收锅炉进行ESP. Over 4,700 people have attended the seminars since they were started in 1985.
2024年3月20日:(美国东部时间早上7:45 -下午4:30) 在线虚拟十大菠菜软件 Recovery Boiler Operational 安全 Seminar (with Video & 音频会议). 事件 & 登记资料,连同议程.
2024年4月10日至11日: 面对面的房颤&PA Recovery Boiler Operational 安全 Seminar – Atlanta, GA – Sonesta Atlanta Airport North Hotel (formerly Crowne Plaza) following the 2024 Spring BLRBAC Meetings (Gable 1&2个房间). 本研讨会共安排两个半天的会议. Starts at 1:00 pm Wednesday April 10 and Ends at 12:00 noon Thursday April 11, 2024. 周三晚上提供晚餐. 星期四早上提供早餐. Registration is limited to members of Companies and Mills that operate Recovery Boilers. 事件 & 登记资料,连同议程.
2024年5月16日:(太平洋时间上午7:15 -下午4:00): 在线虚拟十大菠菜软件 Recovery Boiler Operational 安全 Seminar (with Webex Video & 音频会议). 事件 & 登记资料,连同议程.
2024年10月9日至10日:面对面的房颤&PA Recovery Boiler Operational 安全 Seminar – Atlanta, GA – (Hotel not yet selected) following the 2024 Fall BLRBAC Meetings. 本研讨会共安排两个半天的会议. Starts at 1:00 pm Wednesday 10月 9 and Ends at 12:00 noon Thursday 10月 10, 2024. 周三晚上提供晚餐. 星期四早上提供早餐. Registration is limited to members of Companies and Mills that operate Recovery Boilers. 事件 & 登记资料,连同议程.
- 法律通知
- 十大菠菜软件回收锅炉租船
- 可供下载的文件
- 回收锅炉刊物及订购表格
- 基于cbt的回收锅炉培训计划
- AF清单&巴勒斯坦权力机构的研究
- BLRBAC ESP小组委员会公布了事故经验教训
可在 www.blrbac.网 网站. 编译:Dean Clay, ESP小组委员会秘书, from the published BLRBAC minutes for the ESP Subcommittee. 这些BLRBAC会议记录也发布在 www.blrbac.网 网站; Learnings started with the April 2005 Minutes. The learnings are arbitrarily organized in four General Topics, 结合相似, 重复, learnings (meeting code is [S05] = Spring 2005; [F05] = Fall 2005). 的房颤&PA Legal - Notice and Disclaimer of Liability also applies to these documents.